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Program/Project Management

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As agencies look for new business models to meet changing technology, budgetary and growth challenges, Skysoft’s strategic planning and strategic alignment capabilities can help agency leaders better support their organizational strategies with projects and plans that deliver real results. With a collaborative, team-based approach, we help define and establish common understanding that unifies the organization as it stands while planning for and modeling future needs. By establishing and defining shared enterprise goals, Skysoft can help you better collaborate in delivering on your mission to customers and citizens.

Skysoft takes a comprehensive and practical approach to agency portfolio management, closely tracking performance metrics like return, risk, strategic alignment to deliver actionable insights and facilitate effective decision-making. We can assess and provide recommendations for resource consolidation or reassignment to reduce costs. Skysoft also provides phased-approach for prioritizing and implementation recommendations and changes to give the underlying workflows, personnel and processes time to reconfigure and adjust to support the organizational goals.