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DevSecOps Services

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In today’s time, business demands are changing rapidly and software development is quicker and automated. Thus, modern businesses need to adapt and keep in pace with the dynamic business needs and goals so that there is no downfall. Most importantly, business applications need to be secure. For this, businesses need to integrate security into the software development and deployment lifecycle. That’s what DevSecOps is!

If the security of your applications is your major concern, go for SkySoft Inc.’s solutions for DevSecOps. They can help shift your security to the left without lowering the speed at which software development teams work to deliver applications.

Why go for DevSecOps?

  • To get fast-paced and automated software security
    With DevSecOps, the manual work of developers and testers as well as security professionals employed in the software development and operation process is automated. The security is integrated into the application delivery pipeline with the help of tools. This is necessary to secure software at the pace with which business demands are changing.

  • To increase productivity for developers

    While the developers write codes for any application, they are secured simultaneously with the help of DevSecOps. Thus, there is no chance of costly rework on any project and guaranteed on-time delivery of the project. Moreover, DevSecOps helps place software application risk insight, remediation guidance, and secure coding education within the software developer team within the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools and other familiar tools, thereby increasing the secure productivity of applications.

  • To maintain velocity for DevSecOps teams without compromising security

    Throughout the software development lifecycle and continuous integration/continuous delivery pipelines, any issues with the integrated application security testing and risk reporting are spotted and fixed using DevSecOps solutions. Security checks are established at different stages to minimise the downstream problems, support the risk tolerance thresholds, and lower the price of remediation.

  • To maximise agility for the business

    The security of applications is no longer cost-focused; rather, it is used to drive business with an as-a-service, scalable security testing program. With the help of DevSecOps, the upfront capital investments in the business and the burden of infrastructure maintenance are all eliminated, thereby reducing the overall cost of ownership of an organization or enterprise. Furthermore, the value time for investment into application security is also shortened.

Our Solutions For Devsecops

  • Polaris Software Integrity Platform- This is an integrated, cloud-based application security testing solution optimised to integrate security in application development and deployment. With its help, multiple application code can be automatically scanned in just minutes, anytime, anywhere, and all at once. This way the security teams can track and manage the activities of application security testing and risks across all the apps.
  • Seeker IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing)- IAST is used to monitor the interactions of web applications running in the background and optimally test their functionality and security simultaneously. The Seeker auto-validation feature can help your business optimize run-time security testing by automatically identifying the true risks that are apparent at run time. It gives test results in just seconds with next to zero false positives, thereby saving your time on security scans, avoiding slowing down your business output and reducing the burden on software developers.
  • Code Sight- This real-time solution provides the software developers with rapid, IDE (Integrated Development Environment)-based testing so that the developers team can accurately and securely code for applications at a fast pace. It helps address any vulnerable components in the development process of the application before putting the software in further stages of the application deployment lifecycle. Using Code Sight, you can lessen the time of remediation and raise your application developer security standards without slowing down or halting your business workflow.
  • Developer Security Training- We help establish an active feedback strategy to rule out any security issue at the software developer’s end, facilitate remediation of the detected security issues, and support compliance with the help of developer security training empowered by our security code warriors. Our software developers are provided with interactive, microburst learning formats to allow them to learn, test, and apply their knowledge of training quickly to promote secure development.
  • DevOps integrations- Application security testing solutions integrate and automate security testing across the SDLC and CI/CD pipelines by establishing security gates to accelerate risk detection and ensure rapid remediation. Automated security scans are done continuously for known vulnerabilities, software supply chain risks, and source code weaknesses. We use out-of-the-box plug-ins and extensions for famed DevOps tools like Azure, GitHub, GitLab, and more DevOps, with universal, continuous integration support via a powerful command-line interface.

Why Choose SkySoft Inc. for your DevSecOps Journey?

SkySoft Inc. professionals can help you plan out your path to a successful DevSecOps program with support for cross-functional disciplines across organizations of today’s time. They are the most trusted leaders in software security and quality, offering top application security testing solutions in every critical testing category. They can proactively manage security risks and focus remediation of the most mattered security issues. Their solutions can spot security, open source, and quality risks for mergers and acquisitions due diligence.

With us, you can:

  • Get expert consulting services on DevSecOps.

  • Have a maturity action plan to help you chart a systematic path to your security goals.

  • Get help from experts on setting up your DevSecOps integrations.

  • Get instructor-led training delivered to your software development team to speed up their pace of work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, definitely! By opting for custom application development services, you can meet your business demands in the dynamic modern digital world which is not possible with free app development tools and mass market. With custom application development, your business application can support specific integrations and have cost-effective scalability without you spending much in the long run. At SkySoft Inc., we first analyze the financial feasibility of custom application development as per the case and consider categorized options with stakeholders.

The expense of receiving a personalized application development through one of the leading application development companies depends on the functional scope of the app and the implementational technology put to use. The cost of your application development will vary from others based on your scale of business project and its complexity. There are various cost-determining factors including the designed application type and number of platforms it supports (web, mobile, or desktop); number and complexity of app features, uniqueness in designed app, number and complexity of integrations with other software systems, and the IT infrastructure needed. At SkySoft Inc., our experts offer application development at a reasonable price to our clients. Thanks to our use of cross-platform app development tools and our quick-moving app development approach. To get a fair idea of your cost of application development, you can request a free project cost calculation from our consultants at SkySoft Inc.

It is determined based on the development resources you have in-house. If you don’t have any, you would need to appoint a dedicated team of professionals and entirely outsource your business project to a vendor like SkySoft Inc. In case you have a dedicated team but lack specific competencies, go for a team augmentation model with SkySoft Inc.

At SkySoft Inc. your business application is made compliant with data privacy regulations in the following ways:

DevSecOps can benefit your organization or business in multiple ways, but its adoption can bring along some challenges. The most commonly faced challenges in the implementation of DevSecOps include:

  • Lack of assurance of security at the business and project levels.

  • Lack of skills of developers of software, auditors, and business stakeholders to ensure security.

  • Barriers to organization related to tooling, collaboration, and culture.

  • Lack of quality of security provided in case of complex systems.

  • Improper or insufficient guidance on security because of lack of resources, data, and standards.

The automated security solutions available with SkySoft Inc. include static application security testing (SAST), interactive application security testing (IAST), software composition analysis (SCA), and dynamic application security testing (DAST). They can be integrated and automated in CI/CD pipelines and configured based on your predefined policies and workflow triggers. Our Polaris Software Integrity Platform provides the agility to run the most appropriate analysis at the optimal stage in the pipelines based on your application, SDLC events, schedule, or projects.

The main steps involved in organizing of DevSecOps program are:

  • Defining the security testing policies so that automation of critical security steps can be done.

  • Setting up of an intelligent security orchestration for each security test type at various stages of the SDLC and CI/CD pipelines (automation of concurrently running processes at a time).

  • Adding security testing and rectification of security deficits in the IDE so the software developers can spot and fix security issues as they write codes.

  • Collocating, correlating, and managing risk data to empower effective prioritization and remediation of risks.

There is no specific best place to integrate security in a CI/CD pipeline. The best approach is to implant a shift of security everywhere all through the software development and deployment lifecycle. This is possible by providing insight on code quality and security risk within the IDE, establishing static and software composition analysis at the site of security build and within registries and repositories, and carrying out dynamic, pre production analysis in staging and test environments to validate true risks manifesting in the run time.

Ready to build secure applications? Set up an appointment today!

If you want to integrate automated security in your application development and operations, explore DevSecOps solutions offered at SkySoft Inc. Have a talk with our professionals and get started on your DevSecOps journey with us!